The Final Countdown

Countdown to The Big Move… 7 Days

As previously promised, it’s time to discuss The Big Move. In September of last year, Husband and I signed a contract to build a new construction house in a one-street development. It was a dream come true. We had been looking at moving to help put Boo (our 4 year old) in a school district that was more desirable to us, but had gotten “sticker shock” when we saw the home prices on Zillow.

We took a step back, and decided to wait. For a little background – in August, Husband took a new position at his company. He’d worked at this place for years and we were beyond thrilled when he got this offer. The new job requires travel, often as much as 2-3 weeks out of the month. It’s definitely been an adjustment these past few months, and I’m sure there will be a lengthy blog post to discuss it at another time.

On a Sunday evening, when Husband had just left to travel to North Carolina, I was getting Boo ready to meet my Dad for dinner, when I couldn’t get out of the house. Literally. The door from the house to our garage, where my car was parked, was jammed and the battery in the keypad to open the garage door from the outside was dead. I called my Dad, frantic, and he came over to help. He couldn’t get the door to budge, either. I then called Husband, even more frantic, and he called his friend, J. J came over, worked steadily on the door for nearly an hour, and got it fixed. I thanked him profusely, and still consider his work monumental in the next phase of this story.

On my way out the door with Dad and Boo, Dad suggested we use this as a sign to start looking for a new house again. That week, the new construction opportunity became apparent. We jumped on it!

The house was due to be finished in around 7 months, which is about average for our area. We have been patiently waiting, and can’t wait to close next week.


We hope this will be our Forever Home, but if not, we will love being in a bigger space, that is truly ours, down to every last detail. Husband spent many years of college in the Architecture program and has always wanted to build a house. Though he ultimately went down another career path, his love of design and creativity have always been at the forefront of his mind. I can’t say I was ecstatic about building a house, just from the logistical aspect (even in a development), but it has turned out to be so much fun!

I will admit however, as excited as we are, I think Boo is looking forward to this new house most of all. She chose to paint her room the most beautiful shade of purple, and recently we surprised her with a new playset.


I can’t wait for us to start making memories here. I believe our new home will make for a most wonderful segue into the next chapter of our little family’s life.

Until next time,


6 thoughts on “The Final Countdown

  1. So VERY excited for the Brazier family….so many wonderful new memories are surely to come in your beautiful new home ! Can’t wait for you do have our family Thanksgiving here !!!


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